Ce-i asta? O tabletă ce rulează OS X, conținând componente din MacBook Pro, dar care nu este făcut de Apple? Ce reacții vor fi după lansarea acestei tablete? Ce efect va avea apariția unei tablete cu OS X în contextul în care tabletele iPad ruleaza iOS (un sistem de operare mobil limitat)? Bănuiala mea este ca vi fi un fail-product.

Din descrierea de pe website:
Built from a unique enclosure conversion kit, the Modbook Pro incorporates and completely encases the original hardware of a new Apple® MacBook® Pro 13.3-inch base system. Its Wacom® digitizer delivers 512 levels of pen pressure sensitivity — more than any other tablet computer on the market. And its ForceGlass™ screen provides an etched, paper-emulating drawing surface.
The result is a sleek tablet computer run by a powerful Mac base system, with a highly sensitive pen interface and a natural drawing surface, all fused into one device you can take with you and use anywhere.