Mac Setup: Episodul 2

Who are you, what do you do, etc…? I’m Dan Frommer, based in Brooklyn NY, but always a Chicagoan at heart. My main gig since 2005 has been writing about technology news, particularly from a business angle. My most recent project is, a site I started by myself in July, 2011, and hope to be working on forever. Right now it’s a mix of news analysis, reporting, data mining, chart porn, and link aggregation. In the future, who knows what

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Mac Setup

M-am gandit ca ar fi interesant sa prezint cateva setup-uri pe care unii oameni le fac intr-o maniera foare nerdy. Este vorba de tehnologia dusa la extrem si manipulata de catre om. Deci se poate ca si noi sa manipulam tehnologia in felul in care dorim sa o facem. 1. Who are you, what do you do, etc…? My name is Brett Terpstra. I’m married to a wonderful girl named Aditi who happens to be a Certified Pet Dog Trainer,

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